Hey everyone, this is my first
blog on this site, unfortunately I don't have a scanner at moment to add pictures, so it's not too exciting visually, but I wanted to write about life and its' ever changing rollercoaster ride, this laast year has been quite a whirlwind for me, many, many changes, I'll start with this: I had a terrible fall last year that put me out of work for a month. I had 3 bulging discs from slipping down a flight of icy steps, I still have some trouble with it, but I quickly healed from it as I'm a strongwilled person.
The second thing, I met a wonderful man that treated me very well , but unfortunately he had unfinished business from his past in a couple areas. This was a hard break for me as I had to walk away for my own sanity, but I truly loved him deeply and he loved me. The third thing, I had worked for a greenhouse seasonally for 5 solid years, and this year the boss (who previously was a friend of mine), became verbally abusive to all, due maybe to taking on too many things in life, and I had to quit that job. It was tough because I had never quit a job in my life, nor been fired, but it was for the best. The fourth thing, I had worked for LANDS END INC. for 5 full years, was 98% in customer sales and service, and due to restructuring of the company by SEARS, I was cut/let go, for no valid reason , they wouldn't even give unemployment a reason for letting me go. It was ridiculous, so at present I'm unemployed but only momentarily. This was a huge blow to me emotionally, I have always been a model employee and won tons of awards, had never ever in my lifetime been fired from any place I had worked. Fifth.... I finally thought I had met the man of my dreams last october. He treated me like a princess, flowers, cards, speaking uplifting loving words constantly. He would drive 90 miles to see me and he took me everywhere. But alas he began to pressure me about more -marriage - moving up here near me, and that sort of thing. It was all way too fast, and when I told him I was not okay with the fast forward speed he wanted, well, then he started throwing my past in my face and called my feelings "rules", WOW!!! I was stunned, but I have learned to respect myself and care about my feelings enough not to accept things like that anymore, so after 3 short months I walked away with my integrity and choices intact, NOW THOSE WERE ALL NEGATIVE CHANGES My back healed super fast, they said it would take 3 months and it only took a month. The first relationship taught me that I have learned to make better choices for my sanity, and future. Leaving the greenhouse showed me that I am now strong enough not to take verbal abuse from anyone, as I had lived with verbal abuse for 25 years in my 2 marriages. I have become a very srong, surviving female in this world and I can be independent and be okay, LANDS END firing me became a blessing in disguise it opened up many doors, I am now going for my GED, I didn't finish high school due to my mother passing from cancer during those years, so I'm goal oriented enough now to do this. I may also going to be going to school to become a licensed daycare teacher or another valid profession. It will be a new chapter/opportunity in life and I do love children. The 2nd relationship taught me things are not always what they seem, even if it all seems right you have to look deeper sometimes past the glamour and the hype and that is a good life lesson to learn. Learning to wait and look deeper can save a lot of problems and heartache/hurt. More blessings were that I have had the opportunity to spend more time than ever with my 2 daughters, my son, and my grandbabies who are my joy, as well as having more time for family and friends.ALL IN ALL BLESSINGS TO ALL WHITEWINGPAM