Thursday, April 2, 2009


Hello,,it's been a little bit since i have been on here .Life has been quite busy as of late.more and more i find myself as i'm getting older ,thinking of life and the circles we spin in throughout it,The ever changing order of our life.We are forever surprised,challenged ,happy,sad,joyous,elated,satisfied,unsatisfied,depressed,stressed,exhuberent,positive,nothing ,no nothing ever remains the same.I find this absolutely fascinating that each day as we wake to this glorious world that God has made ,that we never really ever know what that day will have for us ,whatwill become of the day,what will happen in that day,will it be good ,will it be bad ,will we be happy ,surprised ,sad???We all take life for granted ,Not a one of us is ever thankful enough for all that we do have ,we always want more,We all assume we will continue to awake daily ,never thinking that one day we will cease to exist .And how do we treat our lives?The majority of us ,wake complaining either about money,our bodies hurting,bills we have to pay,someone else bothering us or making us miserable ,that we're tired,exhausted,don't really want to do anything.!How many of us wake up and rejoice and are just happy to know that we get to live another day,,that we are thankful for what we have and have been given,!How many of us take a look around and really look around and are happy for all we have in our lives ,and are grateful for each and everything.WELL!!!!

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