Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tests of faith in our life

Hello ,faith,believing,knowing,and trusting when we go through circumstances and trials in our life.I have been challenged on this many times over the last year,and no surprise that it seems as soon as one circumstance passes another comes to replace it.This year not only has my patience been tested ,but also my ability to cope,the ability to endure,and my ability to handle things appropriately.Between losing a long term job that i was very good at,and watching loved ones fall apart while in terrible lifestyle situations,to finding myself looking for a place to live unexpectedly,and to the gut and heart wrenching emotional rollercoaster of waiting to see if a child of yours has cancer.the one thing i have learned through all this ,is the strength to survive .What i mean by this ,is the strength i have found through my faith!If you don't give up,if you don't bow out in fear,if you don't run from a horrible situation,and instead look through clear glasses not rose color ones ,and rely on hope along with your faith,well then my friends i have found you can make it,endure and be strong through all things .Faith my friends is the ultimate tool to get us through any possible thing,problem or situation we could possibly go through,and let me tell you ,they are many to go through in our walk of life!But if we do not turn from them ,and we don't just throw in the towel.Then if we stand up to them with faith and hope ,well then it's almost a given that they will turn out exceptionally well.You see if we face them with fear and insecurity and worry ,we then give them the power to turn out negative ,and the power to control us and keep us stuck right where they want us.But if we face them with a strong desire with faith and hope ,and positivity,well then they will turn out much better than ,and almost always with a good result!So to all my friends i say ... Keep your faith,your hope ,and your positive attitudes strong ,and in all things you will succeed!Blessings to all,Pam

1 comment:

  1. Great Pam but I have a question. What happens to your faith if things turn out in a way that seems like God has turned His back? Where do you go then? I ask this not to negate faith but to get you to walk to the edge of the precepice and look at the valley of the shadow of death where Jesus walked. I love you kiddo!
